Self-Service Corporate Materials Employee Portal | Evolve Media

I created a central repository around which all Evolve Media company employees could find an aggregation of various corporate business system assets.

Due to the unique nature of our company owning several different brands, we needed a consistent network of folder structures that allowed employees to easily locate any number of items for respective brands. This included Brand Books, Logos, Letterhead, Business Cards, Email Signatures, and Spec Sheets.

Using third party service on — for which our company already had a license — I created a publicly accessible location to find the relevant assets, sorted by brand. This replaced a patchwork system of various types of links and locations for various types of information spready across a mess of systems from Google Docs to Intranet.

This new repository centralized commonly requested design elements created a self-service portal that reduced the amount of time needed by designers to find and send these various types of assets to members of the company.


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