An interactive overlay ad unit that encouraged promoted theatrical release of the film by asking users to collect golden memories inside of the game’s Head Quarters.
Using their keyboard space button, users sucked up memories to gather a final score. Collecting gold memories increased points while catching other memories would waste time on the clock. Following completion of the game, users were presented their score, an exclusive clip, and ability to replay the game or visit client site.
This execution was so popular that it was purchased again for home-release and then repurposed for international markets, as well.
Game Overlay
Getting Started
The overlay was initiated from a 728×90 banner unit. User had the option to jump right into the game or to jump to video.
Memory orbs moved across the screen on the conveyor belt. Users could use their space bar or press the giant red button to activate the pneumatic tube and suck up the orb immediately under it. Users were asked to ONLY collect Gold-Colored Core Memories. Collecting any other memories resulted in time lost on the counter that would flash a red light along the border of the overlay.
Green Screen Animations
The client had several great green-screen videos of the characters that worked perfectly when inserted into our game overlay. We had all five characters appearing at random times and in random places in the environment to help give life to the space. They also worked as mild distractions to add a layer of complexity to the game.
Watch Video
After the game was over, user was rewarded with the trailer. Alternatively, at any point in the experience, the user had the ability to watch trailer whenever they wanted.
I often times prefer doing quick drawings to figure out layouts. I find it helps to create more organic layouts than by blocking out rectangles in Photoshop or Illustrator. You can see below the final layout was not terribly different from my initial concept sketch.
I do not make any ownership claim to the copyrighted works shown on this page.
- DESIGN LEAD: Jose Inigo
- DESIGN SUPPORT: Outsourced Serbian Team, Leny Evangelista
- ANIMATION: Outsourced Serbian Team