Kraft Lunchables | Game Overlays and Tour Across the Internet

I oversaw creative execution of a large-scale program for Kraft that included several interactive elements to encourage uses to engage with the Lunchables brand in engaging ways to raise familiarity about the brand and the components of its lunch boxes.

There were three main components to the custom experiences: A Tour Across the Internet custom destination experience, a Side-Scroller game overlay, and a Moving Targets game overlay.

Tour Across the Internet

A custom destination website that simulated an “”across the internet”” experience where users find the Lunchables icons hidden on web pages and ultimately unlock an exclusive video and the ability to replay game or visit client site.

Side-Scroller Game Overlay

An interactive overlay ad unit that encouraged users to engage with the brand by navigating Jackie on a skydiving trip to collect under Lunchables icons falling in the sky. The timed adventure was shortened when users accidentally bumped into obstacles. Following completion of the game, users were presented their score, an exclusive clip, and ability to replay the game or visit client site.

Moving Targets Game Overlay

An interactive overlay ad unit that encouraged users to engage with the brand by navigating Platy on a scuba-diving trip to collect under Lunchables icons floating in the water. The timed adventure was shortened when users accidentally bumped into obstacles. Following completion of the game, users were presented their score, an exclusive clip, and ability to replay the game or visit client site.


I do not make any ownership claim to the copyrighted works shown on this page.

  • DESIGN SUPPORT: Carlos Sanchez, Livia Tostado,
  • ANIMATION: Alejandro Tostado
  • DEVELOPMENT: Ricardo Rojas, Liliana Iturribarria
  • PROJECT MANAGER: Ana Villegas