Mandatory | Logo and Brand Identity Relaunch (2018)

As part of a brand refresh, I oversaw creation of a brand new visual identity for

Worked closely with stakeholders to identify audience, landscape, competitors, and general tone of the brand. From there, I created several concept drawings from which a team of designers were tasked to bring the vision to life. Collaborating with a team of designers in Mexico and Serbia, we honed in on a logo and visual direction.

Once a final direction was decided, we were able to move forward with other brand materials including website, brand book, and collateral including letterhead, envelopes, business cards, and sales decks.

Logo and Brand Book

Upon finalizing the primary version of the logo we created a stacked/vertical version and implemented it into a standardized brand book with fonts, colors, etc. Below are samples from the 10-page document.

Logo Process

For a little behind the scenes into process you can see the variations of logos we came up with to present for approval. When giving the team initial direction I had a few idea starters that I wanted to explore. The direction from management was a striking but simple logo. Iconic but not ornamental. So the logo concepts that drifted to the top for presentation fit into five different categories that I organized as Text Me, Through Our Eyes, Don’t Label Me, Dial M for Mandatory, Require Reading, and What We Say Goes; each theme concept fitting differently into the grand scheme of relaunching Mandatory as the premiere destination and authority on all things for guys 18-34.


We wanted a completely responsive layout that would respond well cross-device from small mobile phones to large desktop monitors. We found a great solution using a tile system that echoed the box motif from the final approved Mandatory logo.

Marketing Deck

I oversaw creation of a new marketing Power Point deck to be used by Sales and internal teams. Power Point facilitation was handled by Alex Rivera.

Master Slide Template

The Master slide template was prepared with more than 50 slides to offer consistent look for marketing materials flexibility to tell different stories in refreshing engaging layouts.

Social Media

We coordinated all social media to also reflect the new aesthetic.


I do not make any ownership claim to the copyrighted works shown on this page.

  • DESIGN SUPPORT: Alex Rivera, Xavier Fajardo