Wedding: #BeccaJoey2015

Working on any wedding is going to be stressful but working for yourself is quite possibly the most challenging of all. You are your own client which makes you the best and worst client of all time. You demand perfection and you want it quickly.

That was the work set out for me with #BeccaJoey2015.

The wedding venue we chose came pre-stocked with basically all the bells and whistles so it was really just a matter of creating those smaller personal touches to really make the space our own. To do this, I created a variety of extras for an extra personal touch.

A lot of the artwork was crafted around hand-drawn characters that I created for our table numbers. They ended up becoming mascots for a variety of uses in the wedding. The overall look and feel with the white and gold geometric elements came from our wedding invitations that were created by Leny Evangelista.

Vanity Fair!

I knew I wanted a fun Vanity Fair style photograph of our wedding party and we had a beautiful bridal suite at our venue to make it happen. I did make some changes in Photoshop including swapping out the mirror over the fireplace mantle to include an original piece of Disneyland concept and using the pattern of the Disneyland Haunted Mansion wallpaper pattern for the carpet in the room!


A simple basic sheet, I designed this to be exactly half of an 8.5″ x 11″ sheet of paper so that I could do a single cut down the middle and produce these faster. I printed on a “White Ice” pearlescent paper giving the yellow ink a golden tone.

Table Numbers

I hand-drew 24 different characters that were important to us as bride and groom. They were scanned and painted digitally in Photoshop.

Escort Cards / Keepsake

We integrated our escort cards into the wedding keepsake. We knew we wanted the keepsake for our wedding to be something small, simple, and practical so we hand made candles inside of vintage teacups that we bought at thrift stores. Our favorite scent is sweet pea so we used that and tinted the wax purple, the official color for the wedding.

For the escort cards, I used the artwork from the Table Numbers. Each person had a custom printed card with their name, table number, and the character representing their table. That card was held up by a heart-shaped wire photo holder that was then inserted into each teacup.

The escort cards were arranged alphabetically but each cup was unique and different to create an Alice in Wonderland, Mad Tea Party, sort of vibe.

Table Number Website

Printed on the BACK of each escort card was a short description of what the character on the table represented for the bride and groom. There was also a URL printed with the escort card that directed to a simple gallery online that could be toggled to explore the various table number descriptions. Below are screenshots from that site.

Venue Signage

Throughout the wedding venue, we had custom signage to note various points of interest. Although I created and designed these myself, the color palette and font choices were selected by my dear friend Leny Evangelista who designed our wedding invitations.

Beverages and Custom Cocktails

Game Instructions

Shown below is instruction signage for the three activities that were available during the wedding for those who were not into dancing and music. More on those further below!

Framed Disney Quotes

Because why not?


The wedding venue featured two vintage type writers so I created a sheet of paper to go into each!

Games and Activities


I created the artwork featured at the bottom of each printout.

Guess Who?

It was pure coincidence that we had 24 tables at our wedding and the game GUESS WHO? featured 24 slots so I used Table Number artwork to realize the game!


Based off the Mexican bingo-style game, I used our Table Number artwork once again to create a fun game, complete with beans for the placeholders on the cards!

Coloring Pages

Once again, the Table Number artwork came into play, I knew we’d have a good number of kids at the wedding so I made coloring pages with the drawings I’d already created!

Wedding Cake

We repurposed the design of a similar cake we found online but since we knew our cake would be going up against a mirror, I took an idea my friend Leny Evangelista had and made a quote to put on the BACK of the cake. The catch? I created the quote in REVERSE so that when viewed on the table with the mirror behind it, the quote would be easily legible!


Yes, I even designed a complete DVD case for our wedding video.

Thank You Card

Knowing ahead of time that I wanted to Photoshop us in front of Sleeping Beauty Castle at Disneyland, I had our photographer take some pictures that I could use for that purpose. The end result isn’t completely convincing but it’s a fun detail for our happily ever after!

Photo Album

I used one of the wedding book templates but heavily customized it. I also created a custom image for the cover.



I do not make any ownership claim to the copyrighted works shown on this page.

  • DESIGN LEAD: Jose Inigo
  • DESIGN SUPPORT: Leny Evangelista