Process Documents | Evolve Media

As new processes and protocols arise in a dynamic and fast-paced environment, it becomes necessary to document the proper steps accurately to ensure that teams in various offices are abiding by the same process. This helps ensure consistency and a singular “language” to guide and instruct employees.

Sample Documents

Below are a few pages of various process documents I created over the years to support various needs of the team and company. Having documentation that everyone can agree upon keeps everyone honest and maintains a clear hierarchy of expectations.

SIAM Global Structure

This was a 16-page document outlining every bit of day-to-day process for the organization, structure, and naming conventions of our team. Having a team of more than 30 people spread across several countries required a consistency in process to be able to successfully hand off projects and maximize efficiency. This was a cornerstone of our team and our process.

The process outlined in this document became the language we all spoke to unify our process and I found it worked exceedingly well. I worked very hard with this with our Creative Director Manuel Donayre.

Assets Process for Marketing

Sometimes documents were simpler for smaller processes.

Assets Process for Designers

Sometimes I needed similar documentation for slightly different purposes.

Connecting to CDN

Sometimes you don’t need a fussy document to convey quick bits of information.

When and When Not

The most important lesson with Documentation is making it easy and accessible enough that people will actually use and read it. On the one hand there’s being thorough and on the other hand there’s being too specific.


I do not make any ownership claim to the copyrighted works shown on this page.

  • CREATIVE DIRECTOR: Manuel Donayre
  • DESIGN LEAD: Jose Inigo